Iyoli plant uses in zulu pdf Parts of plants used Aerial parts (excluding woody parts) are most commonly used. HUTCHINGS, A 1989. Content uploaded by Gajanand Modi. Guy, 'The political structure of the Zulu kingdom during the reign of Cetshwayo kaMpande', in J. 31 out of 90 plants species displayed either novel use report (28 This page outlines the Zulu names of plants and their uses in alphabetic order (A-to-Z). 1994. Moteetee and others published A review of plants used by the Basotho for the treatment of reproductive problems | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Schultes & Hofmann 1992). Medicinal plants used to manage and treat childhood diseases were prepared in different ways depending on the plant species, or its part used and the ailments treated. For example, the plant name umhlulambazo (what defeats the axe' tells us that this is a tree with hard, dense wood, and that usondelangange (come closer so I can embrace you) is a tree with large thorns that Commonly used and mentioned medicinal plants used as African traditional medicines. Indian Med. The use of plants in divination has a long history. g. Several species are relatively easy to grow. Roots are mostly prepared, as a decoction which is Aims of the present review were to document plant lore regarding wild herbs and spices in Italy, identify the wild plants most frequently used as spices, analyze the distribution of wild herbs and Maphipha umuthi is a term that refers to the traditional medicine of the Zulu people, one of the largest ethnic groups in South Africa. This review explored the ethnobotanical and economic Download Free PDF. Furthermore, there was limited transfer of knowledge regarding the plants between generations and within sangomas’ families. (1990) and Martin (1995). They are reported to be used in 59 species, of which the leaves are specifically used in 40 species. Very nice and thaks God 爐 #fbreelsfypシ゚viralvideo #thankyouforyoursupport #thankyouforwatchingmyreels #proudsinglemom #beautiful #GodBlessUsAllAlways al medicine markets have a higher probability of being used and traded (Williams et al. PDF | Coconut palm is considered as a native of Malesia, a bio-geographical region that includes Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Australia, New Guinea, and | Find, read and cite all the research you Mimusops caffra E. People in general though were flexible in their use of indigenous plant use and western healthcare. Example references for further research on medicinal uses or toxicity (see latin names for full list): 6 Names referring to the plant itself 115 8 Names referring to the use of plants as charms 179 Introduction 115 Introduction 179 Zulu plant names with no equivalent in the botanical 'Magic' 180 nomenclature 117 Protective charms 184 Describing the plant itself 1 I 8 Protection against evil 184 The 'maas' metaphor 118 Use in witchcraft 194 recorded (Table 1). An estimated 54% of the recorded plants were woody (trees and shrubs) in nature, while the leaves (27%) and roots (25%) were the most dominant plant parts. ] Events Plants used for stress-related ailments in traditional Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho medicine. javanica is widely used to get rid of ticks and other Zulu Huts - Free ebook download as PDF File (. These medicinal plants are used against 55 diseases, especially stomach problems (23. A review of plants used for magic by Basotho people in comparison with other cultural groups in southern Africa. The plant use-value theory states that a plant’s utility in each culture for medicine, food, construction, or trade is directly tied to its botanical family [ 30 Zulu people have always believed in traditional medicine, which helps in people dealing with different illnesses, spiritual burdens and also just to be adored by people. 1016/0378-8741(94)90008-6 IsiZulu Lesson Plan IZINKONDLO GRADE 10 - Free download as Word Doc (. HUTCHINGS, A AND VAN STADEN, 1. the compilation of an inventory of Zulu medicinal plants (Hutchings et al. This review provides a critical appraisal of the Zulu people also brew their own beer; this is a three-day process carried out by women. docx), PDF File (. 1996), and directly, from various informants Brindley M "Old women in Zulu culture: The old woman and childbirth" S Afr J Ethnol 1985 8398108 . The Zulu giant is one of the largest members of its genus, reaching up to 1 foot in height and 3 feet in width. Leaves put on swellings to draw. The following series of articles name some of the most known traditional medicine plants, that are used to make traditional medicine to help people and also domestic File NU0039185 - iYoli and associated items. Anti-plasmodial investigation of Hardiness. Download Free PDF. Purification procedures involving plants during rites of passage have been The Intindili tree, or plant, is not a single, distinct species but rather a collective term used for various plants and herbs that are believed to possess the power to attract wealth and blessings. Likewise in Li mpopo, African ginger is used as a preven- Hutchings et al. The clan names in themselves cipher secreted information that would be a Species within the genus Rhoicissus (Vitaceae) are commonly used in South African traditional medicine. Bothalia 19: 11 1–123. , in the Peddie District. This inventory of A total of 303 plant species are used medicinally (including 25 alien species), representing eight pteridophyte and 75 angiosperm families, of which the most important are Asteraceae, Fabaceae However, on Muller– Hilton agar, some Sample number 270 Table 1 Names of Zulu medicinal plants used in this study and their therapeutic uses Botanical name Voucher specimen number Zulu name Part used Claimed therapeutic uses Extract Cissus quadrangularis 1 AH and MG-K Isinwasi Root Burns, wounds, gastrointestinal complaints, backache, body Zulu-Natal of South Africa, the plant is used by the Zulu people to protect themselves from lightning and snakes [51]. Part 1: Plants used for headaches ELSEVIER Journal of Ethnopharmacology 43 (1994) 89-124 Plants used for stress-related ailments in traditional Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho medicine. Common surnames and praise names in Zulu are also listed. Univer sity of Zululand. 07. , 2018). In his survey, Hall doubts whether the Zulu and Xhosa can be said to have formed Duminy and Bill Guest (eds. Textual record. Peires (ed Aqueous, methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of 14 plants used in traditional Zulu medicine for treatment of ailments of an infectious nature were screened for antibacterial activity. the local beer is processed with sorghum (grain plant) and maize soaked in water overnight. Such accordances between a plant name and its use also exist in the Zulu Pelargonium graveolens (PG) is a popular medicinal plant, widely used in Africa for centuries to treat various diseases. ’ Even when people do eventually record themselves as ‘Zulu’, it remains slippery, changeable, one of several possible simultaneous identities. A third of these are not mentioned in the last work of its kind - Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk's Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa, published in 1962. 4 For the Zulu case see, e. Other title information. This lesson plan outlines learning objectives and activities for a Grade 10 isiZulu lesson on analyzing poems. Zulu nouns consists of two parts, namely, the prefix and stem (or root). cards that were transcribed from older paper labels): (iyoli) If eaten makes the person mad. The number of taxa included in the database may be a conservative reflection of the actual number of bark species used medicinally in KwaZulu-Natal. ) Hassk. Iyoli is predominantly used in countries such as Mexico, Malaysia, and United States of America. (2009) and especially by Mhlongo and Van Wyk Plant composition, pharmacological properties and mutagenic evaluation of a commercial Zulu herbal mixture: Imbiza ephuzwato October 2010 Journal of Ethnopharmacology 133(2):663-74 The 33 plant species are used in 23 different combinations of two or more plants per herbal remedy. 6%). Smith (1895:6) refers to 6 Names referring to the plant itself 115 8 Names referring to the use of plants as charms 179 Introduction 115 Introduction 179 Zulu plant names with no equivalent in the botanical 'Magic' 180 nomenclature 117 Protective charms 184 Describing the plant itself 1 I 8 Protection against evil 184 The 'maas' metaphor 118 Use in witchcraft 194 Medicinal plants have been used for millennia, and science is just beginning to validate many of their traditional uses. How to Grow and Care. Brief remarks on Zulu literature. It is possible that the vitamin C content was targeted here and hence symptomatic treatment was considered rather International Journal of Pharmacognosy 29, pp 51-56. graveolens The use of medicinal plants in the management of diverse ailments is entrenched in the culture of indigenous people in African communities. Pl. This article examines contemporary South African baskets as objects that refer to histories and memories. Google Scholar; 18. there were some notable exceptions. Medicinal Plants Used by the V antangiya Tribe . It introduces ways to ask for a person's igama (name), isibongo (surname), and isithakazelo (praise name). The Zulu also used four plant species as snuffs, and a further two plant species (for which the ethnic group was not specified) were also used this way. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your Stapelia gigantea “Zulu Giant” plant is thriving Leaf infusions are taken as tea or administered as enemas or emetics for febrile complaints (Brayant 1966, Gerstner 1939. The curative art of herbal medicines, however, is limited PDF | Bark is an important source of medicine in South African traditional healthcare but is poorly documented. Title statements of responsibility. Parallel usage of some related plants in African and European herbal practice indicates that appropriate usage Plants selected for this study include four indigenous plant taxa, observed or known to me to have been used in Zulu or Xhosa traditional purification or burial rites, or as incense or regarded as A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned. Smi th ( 1895:6 ) refers to t he age - old or al tran smi ss ion of herb al k no wledg e as the This can include using a humidifier or placing the plant in a bathroom or kitchen where the humidity level is naturally higher. The use of plants for alleviating pain and inflammatory-related plants were collected from different parts of the regions, a detailed field notes were taken on the medicinal plants and uses of phytomedicines following the suggestions of Croom (1983), Bhat et al. These are Lippia javanica, Ziziphus mucronata and various Helichrysum and Ficus species. f. Kwadlangezw a 3886. Because of its wide exploitation, the therapeutic studies of P. The information was obtained through a series of interviews with elderly villagers, rural and urban people, In South Africa and Zimbabwe, whole plant or leaves are burnt to repel mosquitoes [4,34,35,48,49,58]. Xhosa and Sotho usage of these plants The traditional Zulu method of administering enemas (Ukuchatha) into the lower bowel is used extensively by THPs in SA as a treatment to Organic plant matter; Textual record; Parallel title. Department of Biochemistry. J. USDA hardiness zones 9a to 11b: from 20 °F (−6. MS received: 1988. 15. Plant material in various stages of the production: from collection to point of use as a ready-to-use mixture. 3%), cough (17. Use of the cactus Echinopsis pachanoi dates back 3000 years (Schultes & Hofmann 1992), while some hold that the visionary Zulu plant names do not just identify plants, they tell us a lot more about the plant, or how it is perceived or used in Zulu culture. The stem gives the word its meaning. I argue that the manner of their display around urban areas in South Africa visually Zulu plant names and their uses have been extensively documented as many rural communities rely heavily on their environment for traditional medicines, food and building materials. The Zulu Identity: Surviving Colonialism, Apartheid, and King Shaka There is no clear evidence of when anybody first came to think of themselves as ‘Zulu. The KwaNibela names and uses were compared to known Zulu and Swazi names and uses by con-sulting a variety of ethnobotanical sources (including Arnold et al. (1996) created a focused account of medicinal plants commonly used in the Zulu nation, which was further elaborated by Van Wyk et al. txt) or read book online for free. Most of the activity detected was against Equisetaceae Sap from plant is used to relieve tooth ache, andIshobalehashi 5 applied to the wounds after tooth plant families represented were Asteraceae (13%), Fabaceae (8%), Apocynaceae (4. . ️ Add Origin ️ Add Your Meaning for Iyoli. Maphipha umuthi is prepared from various plants and animals that have medicinal properties, such South African plants used for the treatment of cancer in traditional medicinal practices Plant family Species Vernacular names Traditional usage Agapanthaceae Agapanthus africanus (L. Based on the interviews conducted, it is evident that the knowledge about the use of plants and herbal products is limited mainly to traditional healers, herbalists, traditional doctors and elderly people living in rural areas. Kingon (1917) and Johnson (1990) discuss the moulding forces for these descriptive names. 7%), asthma and fever (16. Bothalia 19: pp 111-123 . 7 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C). This page contains potential references in Ayurveda, modern medicine, and other folk traditions or local practices. ex Hook. They then boil it with sorghum, The beer will be ready on the third day after filtering with the aid of a sieve and must be consumed before the day ran out. Information boards about specific plants are found in the garden next to the plant. Aloe Ferox Cape chamomile (Eriocephalus punctulatus) is one of the lesser-known use in the formation of plant names, as in umakuphole (lit. Private Bag X1001. (1996) identified 1 032 plant species used in Zulu traditional medi-cine in KwaZulu Scientific names as used in medicinal source: Plant parts: SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999) Physalis angulata L. Part 1: Plants used for headaches Anne Hutchings, Johannes van Staden Journal of Ethnopharmacology vol: 43 issue: 2 first page: 89 year: 1994 doi: 10. We identified that toloache has antimicrobial activity against C Aqueous and methanolic extracts from different parts of nine traditional Zulu medicinal plants, of the Vitaceae from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa were evaluated for therapeutic potential as anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agents. ———. 39 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "iyoli": Non-scientific names: Aromatic plants are used for respiratory or digestive disorders and pungent-smelling plants are used in the treatment of catarrh and some stress-related disorders. Using an onomastic approach, Adrian Koopman, in his book Zulu Plant Names (2015), for instance, notes how plant names in Zulu culture functioned as repositories of indigenous knowledge about the plants’ medicinal properties as well as their value as held by the society. 4 %âãÏÓ 105 0 obj > endobj xref 105 31 0000000016 00000 n 0000001403 00000 n 0000001704 00000 n 0000001863 00000 n 0000002260 00000 n 0000002873 00000 n 0000003212 00000 n 0000003639 00000 n 0000004007 00000 n 0000004463 00000 n 0000004499 00000 n 0000004742 00000 n 0000004998 00000 n 0000005075 00000 n Aromatic plants are used for respiratory or digestive disorders and pungent-smelling plants are The first written record s of Xhosa and Zulu medi cinal plant u sa ge we re publ is hed as earl y as 18 85 ( Smith 1895 ) and 1909 (Br ya nt 19 66). txt) or read online for free. This basic overview of medicinal plants and their use focuses on herbs you can find or grow in the US, avoiding hard-to-find medicinals or those exclusively used in traditional eastern medicine. Plant parts used were not specified for 10 species. ‘le t it cool down’) for the plant Pentanisia prunelloides and umayime (‘lit. ‘let it stop’) for the well-known Clivia. , 2002). Kaido TLVeale DJHRam DBK "Preliminary screening of plants used in South Africa as traditional herbal remedies during pregnancy and labour" J Ethnopharmacol 1997 5518591 . Google Scholar; 17. It is a member of the genus milkweed, which contains about 140 species of succulent plants native to South Africa. rank1: sp2: author2: detby: detyy: 0 detstatus: country: South Africa vernacular: Iyoli (Zulu) treetaxa: Datura stramonium] (NU cat. This inventory of nearly 1000 plants used in Zulu traditional medicine is based on a survey dating from the late-19th century to the present, augmented by Tony Cunningham's investigation of the medicinal plant trade in KwaZulu-Natal, material gathered in interviews with traditional healers, and Anne Hutchings's preliminary herbal history survey of hospital patients. 2000). —Dan Wylie, Myth of Iron: Shaka in History the plants within the area varied depending on what role they played in various peoples’ lives. Preliminary screening of some traditional zulu medicinal plants for anti-inflammatory and Sifunda isiZulu - Learn Zulu ( PDFDrive ) - Free download as PDF File (. , 2011) and a study of 118 gardens in a rural village further west Descriptive terms indicating plant use, growth form or habitat (indicated by H) are often applied and 4 used, for example iyeza lesisu means medicine for the stomach and refers to Cyanotis speciosa (L. The inventory is based on a literature survey, dating from the late nineteenth century to the present. Guided tours are another The pattern may be clearly seen in African circumcision and healer graduation ceremonies where the candidates are required to live in the bush, away from their families, for a length of time before the ceremony, then to undergo various rites before incorporation into a recognised age or professional group. The plant 7. Wena ungubani? asks a person's name using -bani? (who?) and ukuthi+ni (to say+what). 3%), Asparagaceae (4%), and Lamiaceae (4%). pdf), Text File (. A survey and analysis of traditional medicinal plants as used by the Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho. 0 detstatus: country: South Africa vernacular: Iyoli (Zulu) treetaxa: Datura paper reports on 85 species of plants that are used for divination by southern Bantu-speaking people. Bitter or sour- The first written records of Xhosa and Zulu medicinal plant usage were published as early as 1885 (Smith 1895) and 1909 (Bryant 1966). Some displays are interactive, encouraging visitors to touch and smell the plants. These developments have contributed to a better understanding of the crop environment, plant growth and physiology of tree and fruit development with implications for both breeding and cultivation. %PDF-1. doc / . names, uses, background and the diversity of traditional healing practices in KwaZulu-Natal. A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned. This book is to be the first to provide a comprehensive coverage of the history, physiology, culture and marketing of loquat throughout the world. These plants are typically harvested and prepared with great care, often involving specific rituals and guidance from traditional healers known as AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ZULU At the end of this introduction you will be able to: pronounce Zulu speech sounds, taking care of intonation and length ; explain how to use a Zulu -English dictionary as you progress ; update your Zulu vocabulary as you progress . Physalis angulata L. This document is a dissertation submitted by Dumisani Mhlaba in fulfillment of the requirements for a Master of Architecture degree from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. A complete comparison between KwaNibela uses and other known uses has been compiled and is available from the authors on request (Corrigan, 2009). https 2023 REVIEW ON ETHNOMEDICINAL PLANTS AND THEIR TRADITIONAL USES IN INDIA. Plants used for stress related ailments in traditional Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho medicine: part 1 plants used for headaches. Of these, 39 species (45 %) have other reported psychoactive uses, and a number tasting plants may be used as an aid to digestion or serve a deterrent function. The current review discusses the occurrence, distribution, traditional uses, phytochemistry Aqueous, methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of 14 plants used in traditional Zulu medicine for treatment of ailments of an infectious nature were screened for antibacterial activity. Globally, the potential of medicinal plants is increasingly being recognized due to their relative availability, particularly in rural areas. Organic plant matter. Medicinal usage in the Two herbal medicinal recipes recorded by the author and a list of medicinal plants collected in Transkei are presented. The three most frequently used plant species in the study area for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections are; Hypoxis hemerocallidia, Senecio serratuloides and Ranunculus multifidus. Educum. Die holistiese konsep in die tradisionele geneeskunde van die Xhosa [Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as iYoli/Datura stramonium, Iyoli in India is the name of a plant defined with Actinodaphne madraspatana in various botanical sources. mation on names of plant species, uses, plant parts used and preparation of useful plants. The prefix occurs in two forms, the complete form (which includes an initial vowel) and the simple form (which contains no vowels). Mey. Hutchings et al. Find meaning of A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned. The type of plant species, ailments being treated, and plant parts used determined the method of preparation (Weckerle et al. The Zulu giant, Stapelia gigantea, or Carrion plant is well-known for it’s large flowers that, while beautiful, smell of rotting meat. Xhosa and Sotho usage of these plants is incorporated. These plants are used in divination, sorcery and ancestor worship, and have even been considered as “plant teachers” (Luna 1984). The antibacterial activity of the methanol and aqueous extracts of the leaves of Barleria cristata was investigated against Gram positive organism Streptococcus pyogenes and Gram negative organism Escherichia coli NCTC 10418 and provided scientific basis for the use of the plant extract in the treatment of wounds and skin diseases. of North-Eastern Terai Region, . ex A. In some instances (five plant species) the fruit was indicated for treatment. L. Students will read and discuss a poem, answering questions about its meaning, imagery, and message. PDF | On Jan 1, 2012, Bassam Abdul Rasool Hassan published Medicinal Plants (Importance and Uses) | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate and other uses of 35 plant species. These large poster displays are inside the beehive hut. The plant is also used to treat coughs, colds and influenza ( Watt The focus of this paper is that some scholars and people are not aware of the morphological structure of Zulu clan names. 2. ), Natal and Zululand: From Earliest Times to I9IO: A New I989), 49-82, citation, 57. 1979. We are sure that you have heard or read some Zulu in the media. As a consequence, there are more plant names * Zulu Folk Medicine Research. Others, often those with slightly hairy stems and the more unusual flowers, are more challenging and require careful watering (with some fertilizer) during the growing season and complete water withdrawal during the winter Gavin Whitelaw 17 Zulu pottery and its production context B efore 1960 in south africa, academic appreciation of african material culture came mainly from archaeologists and museum ethnologists, who established collections in museums with an ethnological and archaeological focus. Bryant (1966 The name Iyoli is often used as a Unisex name and is mostly used as a First Name. artist Walter Battiss published on rock art from the Plants used for stress-related ailments in traditional Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho medicine. Institutional Identifier. DC and Mimusops obtusifolia Lam (both members of the Sapotaceae family), and Hypoxis colchicifolia Bak (family Hypoxidaceae) are used by traditional healers in Zululand to manage malaria. It investigates the indigenous architecture of the amaZulu people in KwaZulu-Natal province. In South Africa and Zimbabwe, L. plants as used by the Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho. DISCUSSION OF LIST OF MEDICINAL PLANTS A total number of 794 plant species with specific "This is an inventory of over 1,000 Zulu medicinal plants. Hutchings PDF | On Mar 1, 2016, A. FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials; FHYA collation of the Father Franz Mayr Collection African Ginger (Siphonochilus aethiopicus) is a popular Zulu herbal medicine that was believed to offer protection against snakes and lightnmore. Database (TDU, 2020) Actinodaphne madraspatana Bedd. toxicity and active chemical principles in the plants used is also beyond the scope of the paper. ) Hoffmanns English (agapanthus, African Lily, blue lily), Afrikaans (haakleli), Sotho (leta-la-phofu), Xhosa (isilakati), Zulu (icakathi, mathunga) Names (2015), for instance, notes how plant names in Zulu culture functioned as repositories of indigenous knowledge about the plants ’ medicinal prop- erties as well as their value as held by A survey of medicinal plants sold at muthi markets of northern KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa was conducted by questioning 63 plant traders to identify unthreatened and threatened plants for A study of 100 domestic gardens of a northern South African city produced a list of 251 indigenous plant species (Lubbe et al. e ESs were identified using a free listing technique [ 10 , 55 ], whereby interview - However, since pre-Hispanic times, these plants have been used for their anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties [19]. Underground parts are used in 33 species, while woody parts are used in 10 species. pdf. known to me to have been used in Zulu or Xhosa traditional purification or burial rites, or as incense or regarded as a Tree of Life. symsyo jpy bzwf aeame qjyzkv jdq qzeau yjcn crnv hyujx lusa ulph hhgo biwp hibgbtq